
South Louisiana News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Vermilion Parish rise or fall in 2021?

Webp tractor

Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Vermilion Parish received $10.1 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 1,408 farmers in cities within Vermilion Parish received a total of $11.7 million in 2,159 farm subsidies, a 46.5% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $21.8 million in 3,058 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Vermilion Parish, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Cane, Inc.$62,823$313,204398.5%
3-D Sugar Farms, Inc.$191,383$300,96057.3%
Richard Farms$521,700$261,358-49.9%
Nicole R. Denais$193,936$261,17734.7%
Joseph Denais$193,935$261,17534.7%
Lewis Boys, LLC$0$250,000--
Mike & Thomas Lalande Farms$151,345$239,59458.3%
Dewey Domingues Southern Sugar, LLC$35,211$219,157522.4%
N & G Farming Partnership$0$216,911--
Morgan Farms, Inc.$63,677$207,428225.8%
Circle a Farm, Inc.$53,854$178,953232.3%
Charles Guidry$199,075$172,465-13.4%
Donny Vallot Farms, LLC$17,333$159,586820.7%
Drey Vincent$60,400$154,667156.1%
Errol Domingues$47,185$145,345208%
Corbet J. Domingues Jr.$34,349$144,291320.1%
Christine Dartez$439,993$142,437-67.6%
Leland Dale Vidrine Jr.$439,990$142,437-67.6%
3H Rice & Cattle$386,514$112,272-71%
Neal Landry$420,365$110,676-73.7%
F & D Farms$201,525$108,070-46.4%
Paradise Islands, Inc.$202,885$99,208-51.1%
Simon Farms, LLC$30,342$89,290194.3%
Montey Vallot$0$81,589--
Angela P. Vincent$59,994$81,03135.1%
Edward J. Vincent$59,994$81,03135.1%
D & T Crawfish, LLC$410,736$80,683-80.4%
Nicole S. Zaunbrecher$87,314$79,468-9%
Andrew J. Zaunbrecher$89,261$79,467-11%
H & R Farms II$103,185$77,144-25.2%
P & G Acres$117,226$76,681-34.6%
Dustin Lebeouf Hd Farms$124,786$75,637-39.4%
Hunter K. Luquette$172,029$75,332-56.2%
Southern Acres, LLC$23,824$73,935210.3%
Rice Properties, LLC$66,517$70,1955.5%
Barrett Hardee$193,914$69,126-64.4%
Jolie T. Hardee$192,661$67,873-64.8%
Trevor B Hair$223,681$67,593-69.8%
Bradley James Duhon$33,276$66,47899.8%
Catherine G Hair$222,464$65,855-70.4%
Stelly Bros$252,835$65,552-74.1%
Julie M. Romero$103,048$65,501-36.4%
William Romero$103,104$65,501-36.5%
Z & Z Farms$135,622$65,301-51.9%
Bradley J. Meaux$163,315$65,188-60.1%
Sharon M. Duhon$27,138$63,584134.3%
Monte Vallot Farm, LLC$19,067$63,391232.5%
Frank Isaac Zaunbrecher$65,943$62,749-4.8%
Lucas Suire$157,796$61,709-60.9%
Joshua C. Trahan$131,103$60,158-54.1%
Kitty L. Trahan$131,103$60,157-54.1%
Jamie I. Lounsberry$203,527$55,504-72.7%
Joel K. Lounsberry$203,527$55,504-72.7%
Durel J. Romaine$94,492$53,903-43%
Ashlyn A. Romaine$94,487$53,899-43%
Mark Todd Sagrera$111,575$51,885-53.5%
Marvin Monceaux$128,792$51,214-60.2%
Allen B. McLain Jr.$90,912$50,698-44.2%
Erin W. McLain$90,902$50,698-44.2%
Garrett L. Broussard$216,196$50,373-76.7%
Malisa B. Broussard$216,178$50,341-76.7%
Julianna B. Luquette$107,464$49,319-54.1%
Richard K. Luquette$107,460$49,315-54.1%
Carl A. Stelly$174,793$49,225-71.8%
Lee Land & Livestock, LLC$38,437$46,16920.1%
Micah Harrington$207,529$46,101-77.8%
Tiffany Lynn Hebert Harrington$207,486$46,090-77.8%
Julie B. Richard$215,001$45,986-78.6%
Christian J. Richard$216,678$45,984-78.8%
Cow Island Land & Cattle, LLC.$90,755$45,635-49.7%
Rice Road Farms, LLC$54,897$44,039-19.8%
Wyatt A. Hardee$98,125$43,986-55.2%
Andree B. Freeland$123,632$43,724-64.6%
Patrick E. Freeland$123,322$43,506-64.7%
Allen B. McLain$66,258$43,344-34.6%
Laura McLain$66,249$43,344-34.6%
Celena B. Breaux$106,398$43,026-59.6%
Judd Breaux$106,398$43,026-59.6%
Angela L. Trahan$78,637$41,795-46.9%
Kimble J. Trahan$78,636$41,794-46.9%
Ross C. Hebert$331,731$40,672-87.7%
Tonya Strother$331,254$40,596-87.7%
Burton Hebert$50,231$40,505-19.4%
Jacob J. David$103,451$39,835-61.5%
Jade Timothy Trahan$48,838$39,036-20.1%
Tyler Domingues$42,284$38,985-7.8%
Laura P. Hebert$77,452$37,241-51.9%
Joseph Zaunbrecher Trust$47,660$36,510-23.4%
Luther Hardee III$131,576$35,385-73.1%
Angela L. Hardee$131,339$35,067-73.3%
Denny L. Mouton$56,967$34,986-38.6%
Elphege Mouton III$56,967$34,986-38.6%
Seth V. Hebert$54,239$34,074-37.2%
Connor Jude Hebert$58,636$32,192-45.1%
Creslen B Hebert$47,012$30,840-34.4%
Samuel J. Noel$43,609$30,500-30.1%
Flying J Ranch$46,679$30,109-35.5%
Dane L. Hebert$71,191$29,640-58.4%
Lisa H. Hebert$71,195$29,640-58.4%
Adlar W Stelly$159,484$29,490-81.5%
Natachia Langlinais$159,484$29,490-81.5%
T & J Estates, L.L.C.$67,195$29,099-56.7%
Hugh W. Zaunbrecher$40,635$29,097-28.4%
Joel T. Zaunbrecher$97,743$29,095-70.2%
Charles C. Guidry$177,013$28,973-83.6%
John Patrick McLain$59,500$28,870-51.5%
Leah B. McLain$59,720$28,870-51.7%
Virginia A. Aucoin$28,671$28,6710%
Dyson Farms, LLC$71,514$27,813-61.1%
Justin Ray Lebouef$54,272$27,731-48.9%
Vermilion Parish School Board$36,373$27,568-24.2%
Kelsi J. Duhon$23,353$27,30516.9%
Josh M. Leleux$31,869$26,658-16.4%
Yvonne H. Lounsberry$43,178$26,537-38.5%
Ricardo Vallot$2,281$25,8921,035.1%
Arnold Thevis$41,132$25,653-37.6%
Kathleen Meche Thevis$41,132$25,653-37.6%
Matthew Zaunbrecher$47,172$25,227-46.5%
John Zaunbrecher$45,984$24,691-46.3%
Phyllis Zaunbrecher$45,976$24,684-46.3%
Sabrina G. Zaunbrecher$45,943$24,666-46.3%
Kern Ignace Broussard and Nettie Ann Dubois Broussard Trust$34,488$24,105-30.1%
Steve J. Hebert$35,391$23,930-32.4%
Andrew J. Thevis$34,987$23,744-32.1%
Connie Thevis$34,987$23,744-32.1%
Pamela A. Noel$27,454$23,741-13.5%
Sandrus Stelly JR$112,675$23,630-79%
Tiffany M. Stelly$112,675$23,630-79%
6-L Farms, L.L.C.$33,387$23,228-30.4%
Lerdy G Hebert$31,728$23,048-27.4%
Taylor Elizabeth Benoit$101,036$23,040-77.2%
Jewitt Hulin$47,241$22,726-51.9%
Omega Holding, LLC$8,071$22,681181%
Edward A. Freeland$22,040$21,882-0.7%
Edwin L. Miller$33,505$21,643-35.4%
Roderic M. Hebert$31,254$21,574-31%
Chad P. Lege$36,351$21,568-40.7%
Seth B. Trahan$16,230$21,23130.8%
Allen M. Schriefer$69,237$21,159-69.4%
Eric P. Duplantis$55,116$21,043-61.8%
James Scott Griffin$160,814$20,653-87.2%
Cradeur Farms, LLC$59,852$20,625-65.5%
Munchrath Drier, Inc.$0$19,958--
L & S Greenhouse, Inc.$0$19,946--
Joyce T. Freeland$20,233$19,884-1.7%
Walter Greene$36,488$19,825-45.7%
Clara M. Schriefer$66,475$19,190-71.1%
David C. Langlinais$22,870$18,952-17.1%
Joshua K. Andrus$39,153$18,666-52.3%
CL Berry Farms, LLC$51,604$18,594-64%
Ashli F. Devenport$15,095$17,66417%
Mark Devenport$15,095$17,66417%
David Wade Prejean Jr.$5,769$17,534203.9%
Gregory P. Sagrera$16,441$16,9963.4%
Ryan Duhon$25,954$16,471-36.5%
Jerome Meaux$31,729$15,809-50.2%
Trent A. Guidry$97,249$15,573-84%
Hank Moss, LLC$31,431$15,444-50.9%
Clayton A. Griffin$55,950$15,005-73.2%
Fred Ross Yelverton Jr.$13,761$14,9939%
Cecilia Z. Bertrand$40,650$14,899-63.3%
Gerald J. Bertrand$40,650$14,899-63.3%
L & M Cattle, LLC$9,339$14,88259.4%
Gretchen C. Meaux$27,582$14,131-48.8%
Mildred Ann Leblanc$32,920$14,023-57.4%
Nickie M. Hebert$8,249$13,94169%
Melissa C. Hebert$48,729$13,051-73.2%
Travis S. Richard$47,173$12,947-72.6%
Joseph A. Leblanc$32,551$12,814-60.6%
Patrick N. Hebert$48,083$12,731-73.5%
Oswald J. Broussard$16,698$12,464-25.4%
Bryan Toups$30,176$12,113-59.9%
John G Stuart Estate$22,487$11,965-46.8%
Jenny Broussard$1,164$11,531890.6%
Joseph David Simon Jr.$70,137$11,253-84%
Leonard Broussard$21,286$11,129-47.7%
Carl Hoffpauir Testamentry Trustee$16,315$11,101-32%
Roger Lane Hargrave$22,481$10,975-51.2%
John Glynn Broussard$26,414$10,820-59%
Al J. Lee$11,521$10,769-6.5%
Johnnie C. Breaux$2,170$10,682392.3%
Zachary B. Breaux$2,170$10,682392.3%
Marie G. Vincent$11,697$10,490-10.3%
Irene Lemaire Hebert Estate$0$10,248--
Jeffrey Trahan Jr.$23,683$10,082-57.4%
James D. Badon$16,946$10,053-40.7%
FML Cattle, LLC$100,218$10,050-90%
Representative Farms$0$9,809--
Paul Neal Trahan$4,062$9,660137.8%
Tommy Lejeune$865$9,6321,013.5%
Ronald C. Guidry$8,558$9,53011.4%
Kenneth Romero$20,122$9,421-53.2%
Brian Guidrys Farm, LLC$7,853$9,40919.8%
OFS Farms, LLC$0$9,294--
Beverly L. Lounsberry$13,055$9,170-29.8%
Dwight Hardee$12,916$9,113-29.4%
Sheb Callahan$18,375$8,986-51.1%
Chanse W Hebert$12,304$8,935-27.4%
Ross Philip Richard$25,382$8,930-64.8%
Joel Trahan$11,470$8,770-23.5%
Kerry James Hargrave$19,134$8,718-54.4%
Loretta T. Trahan$13,965$8,675-37.9%
Boyd D. Landry$23,426$8,636-63.1%
Edward G. Saal Jr.$12,330$8,629-30%
Harris P. Stelly$28,824$8,543-70.4%
Paul Melvin Faulk Jr.$12,960$8,542-34.1%
Raymond J. Adams$17,354$8,517-50.9%
Steven P. Hanks$18,657$8,479-54.6%
Anna D. Guidry$12,067$8,447-30%
Paul Melvin Faulk$12,067$8,447-30%
Kimberly R. Vincent$12,378$8,352-32.5%
Daniel Huval$0$8,242--
Dusty Allen Voussine$11,156$8,148-27%
Karen Laurel Voussine$10,901$8,148-25.3%
Santos Farms, LLC$26,058$8,020-69.2%
Vermilion Loan Company, Inc.$11,151$7,994-28.3%
Seth W. Abshire$294,986$7,892-97.3%
Justin Keith Roy$12,851$7,872-38.7%
James A. Noel Sr.$9,956$7,855-21.1%
Roger D. Touchet$23,532$7,209-69.4%
Michael P. Trahan$24,429$7,194-70.6%
Kevin R. Lemaire$9,700$7,118-26.6%
Payton Jude Trahan$4,050$7,11375.6%
Ronald C. Dubois$22,449$7,085-68.4%
Philip Domingues Farms, LLC$2,485$7,030182.9%
Burnie J. Benoit$22,434$7,019-68.7%
Robert Scott Meaux$15,862$6,868-56.7%
Ryan R. Mouton$30,462$6,860-77.5%
Eric Jerome Meaux$8,375$6,779-19.1%
Wanda H. Sagrera$0$6,755--
Raymond J. Fontenot$37,090$6,749-81.8%
RJGB Vincent Properties, LLC$0$6,670--
Peggy T. Schexnider$10,961$6,573-40%
Andrew G. Vallot$1,569$6,566318.5%
Domingues Brothers Land Company, LLC$0$6,496--
Ryan S. Stokes$3,494$6,46985.1%
Donald K. Mayard$14,499$6,443-55.6%
Herman Adams$9,192$6,435-30%
Gary Noel$58,451$6,391-89.1%
John Aaron Duhon$52,543$6,348-87.9%
Godfrey P. Trahan$10,249$6,241-39.1%
Gerald Guidry$0$6,233--
Scott Paul Herpin$14,980$6,197-58.6%
Ruby S. Landry$9,909$6,114-38.3%
Kirk J. Broussard$54,740$6,010-89%
Eva M. Simon$8,461$5,923-30%
Shelton J. Dubois$11,484$5,881-48.8%
Bradley Guidry$2,871$5,819102.7%
Kirby P. Trahan$7,925$5,735-27.6%
Lorraine L. Noel$0$5,654--
Farrell J. Woods$7,512$5,639-24.9%
Patrick V Hair$16,070$5,584-65.3%
Jeffrey Faulk Sr.$13,006$5,571-57.2%
Woods 3, LLC$25,434$5,522-78.3%
Linda S. Hebert$7,994$5,519-31%
Floyd J. Harrington$7,450$5,355-28.1%
Robin N. Langlois$9,686$5,257-45.7%
John L. Trahan Jr.$11,964$5,217-56.4%
John Edward Dartez$7,071$5,196-26.5%
Janis M. Harrington$8,391$5,118-39%
Joel Rogers$831$5,109514.8%
Scott Brady Lemaire$21,571$5,098-76.4%
Hildrie Stelly JR$10,792$5,042-53.3%
Dustin J. Lebeouf$47,510$5,027-89.4%
Brooke M. Lebeouf$47,419$4,964-89.5%
Jason P. Herpin$17,938$4,891-72.7%
George B. Gardiner$6,939$4,814-30.6%
Roy Baker$6,380$4,784-25%
Ramona B. Simon$53,759$4,754-91.2%
Hubert J. Faulk$21,541$4,742-78%
James Ray Theall$6,787$4,733-30.3%
Jonathan Harrington$6,743$4,720-30%
Elizabeth M. Miller$7,471$4,715-36.9%
James Russell Dehart$21,614$4,712-78.2%
Roy E. Young Jr.$6,785$4,687-30.9%
Lana T. Broussard$9,916$4,662-53%
Stephen Tessier$43,286$4,615-89.3%
David M. Guidry$6,542$4,607-29.6%
Robert Lee Landry$5,920$4,591-22.4%
Michael A. Couvillon$6,950$4,569-34.3%
Cory R. Mouton$49,414$4,535-90.8%
John W. Boudreaux$14,405$4,509-68.7%
Aimee Nicole H. Guidry$0$4,441--
Lester J. David$6,180$4,426-28.4%
Rocky Tom Ranch, LLC$3,432$4,41328.6%
Michele V. Trahan$9,203$4,391-52.3%
Lane M. Lalande$13,725$4,390-68%
Donald F. Sagrera$3,473$4,35425.4%
Carter Michael Bulliard$0$4,252--
Live Oak Pastures, LLC$37,011$4,232-88.6%
South 7 Ranch, LLC$18,051$4,144-77%
Julia A. Couvillon$5,911$4,088-30.8%
Roy E. Overley III$13,047$4,056-68.9%
Paul Roy Faulk$5,294$4,029-23.9%
John Keith Andrus$11,132$4,026-63.8%
Mary Faye G. Meaux$5,567$4,015-27.9%
Donald J. Vollmer$7,364$4,012-45.5%
Jennifer D. Broussard$8,703$4,006-54%
Gary P. Stelly$8,145$3,917-51.9%
Kay S. Gaspard$12,652$3,866-69.4%
Loretta M. Petry$5,952$3,839-35.5%
Verda M. Petry$5,952$3,839-35.5%
Sylvia F. Trahan$14,327$3,820-73.3%
Elphege Mouton JR$4,945$3,813-22.9%
Mark Simon$5,251$3,791-27.8%
Gale M. Stanford$1,086$3,783248.3%
Randy K. Broussard$10,681$3,779-64.6%
Lonnie M. Campbell$17,559$3,733-78.7%
David M. Pogue$20,281$3,692-81.8%
Charles E. Herpin$5,435$3,675-32.4%
Barry P. Pierce$0$3,630--
Annette M. Marceaux$5,103$3,593-29.6%
Wayne Sagrera$261$3,5691,267.4%
Ruby R. Lemaire$5,064$3,544-30%
Andrew Granger$4,991$3,526-29.4%
James B. Hebert$9,741$3,394-65.2%
Emile Thibodeaux$11,539$3,372-70.8%
Ellen B. Vincent$3,168$3,3606.1%
Susian R Mouton$4,811$3,343-30.5%
Mary B. Trahan$4,319$3,325-23%
Cory P. Vincent$6,260$3,310-47.1%
Samuel C. Duplantis$8,745$3,306-62.2%
Trimmy J Broussard$4,786$3,304-31%
Darrel Briggs Sr.$12,379$3,284-73.5%
Esthay Cattle Company, LLC$15,542$3,284-78.9%
David C. Hardee$18,484$3,262-82.4%
Burnell Istre$5,530$3,261-41%
Terry L. Broussard$5,720$3,244-43.3%
James Otis David$4,818$3,227-33%
Dianne T. Benoit$73,676$3,213-95.6%
Donald J. Benoit$73,676$3,213-95.6%
Ada N. Duhon$3,455$3,203-7.3%
John H. Hebert Jr.$0$3,177--
Janice L. Hargrave$4,421$3,095-30%
Vellen P Trahan$3,863$3,071-20.5%
Jonathan C. Hebert$5,960$3,061-48.6%
Justin Langlinais$0$3,055--
Betty B. Picard$4,378$3,051-30.3%
Caldwell Lands, Inc.$0$3,022--
Barbara G. Greene$4,340$2,995-31%
Wayne Couvillon$10,408$2,989-71.3%
Elaine V. Faulk$5,213$2,986-42.7%
Brodney Mouton SR$10,326$2,979-71.2%
Ryan Patrick Hebert$14,502$2,920-79.9%
Timothy J. Mire$4,164$2,915-30%
Catskill Plantation, LLC$2,903$2,9030%
Lynnwood P Sagrera$0$2,864--
Claudia K. Hebert$3,922$2,864-27%
Dwight A. Brasseaux$10,912$2,856-73.8%
Dexter J. Trahan$14,845$2,841-80.9%
David G. Richardson$11,836$2,821-76.2%
Joseph Bonin$3,519$2,820-19.9%
Gerald D. Abshire$28,801$2,819-90.2%
Marilyn B. Broussard$4,062$2,804-31%
Brady J. Duhon$22,219$2,804-87.4%
Lena V. Hebert$3,972$2,774-30.2%
Greene Broussard Planta, Inc.$3,978$2,745-31%
Harold J. Boudreaux$12,934$2,729-78.9%
Jarrot Pommier$9,504$2,728-71.3%
Mitchell C. Marceaux$3,911$2,728-30.2%
Willard J. Bufford Sr.$3,927$2,709-31%
Ammolite Enterprises, LLC$0$2,700--
Daks J Hebert$5,775$2,700-53.2%
Louis Ewell Guidry Estate$0$2,699--
Joany a Boudreaux$2,860$2,687-6%
Dwyer J. Griffin Jr.$9,960$2,673-73.2%
Brian K. Hollier$7,025$2,670-62%
Jason G. Guidry$4,009$2,665-33.5%
Selina S. Guidry$4,009$2,665-33.5%
Clay P. Menard$3,795$2,656-30%
Patrick J. Menard$3,795$2,656-30%
A R Romaine Farms, LLC$524$2,654406.5%
Brandon J. Benoit$0$2,633--
James A. Noel Jr.$25,141$2,628-89.5%
Richard W. Hardee$3,447$2,610-24.3%
Charles E. Ledoux$12,221$2,587-78.8%
Brenda Theriot$4,768$2,586-45.8%
Kenneth D. Touchet$4,768$2,586-45.8%
Rodney C. Sagrera$7,516$2,583-65.6%
Paul Maxie Breaux$7,022$2,554-63.6%
Iris B. Lege$3,342$2,530-24.3%
Billy J. Stelly$3,581$2,495-30.3%
3-D Land Company, LLC$2,720$2,493-8.3%
Henrik Kasperski$9,174$2,490-72.9%
Charles D. Primeaux Jr.$5,214$2,489-52.3%
Quentin Winch$4,180$2,487-40.5%
Fredrick Elbert Repp Jr.$10,467$2,474-76.4%
Wilfred John Herpin Jr.$3,635$2,457-32.4%
Charles N. Roy$12,431$2,454-80.3%
Clint J. Frith$13,123$2,413-81.6%
Kana S. Hargrave$3,428$2,400-30%
Chad R. Trahan$14,067$2,372-83.1%
Karen T. Abshire$3,608$2,356-34.7%
Ronald C. Hebert$6,308$2,342-62.9%
Ravis Stelly$10,394$2,340-77.5%
Darrel Dartez$5,745$2,339-59.3%
Cody J. Kirkpatrick$10,042$2,322-76.9%
John Joey Comeaux$7,129$2,313-67.6%
Randy S. Comeaux$29,105$2,285-92.1%
Amanda Bourque$3,355$2,283-32%
Sagrera Family IRRV Trustee$2,813$2,274-19.2%
Clarence Hebert$3,241$2,269-30%
Clinton Nunez$3,234$2,264-30%
Bradley Joseph Duhon$2,948$2,254-23.5%
Jacques P. Vincent$0$2,242--
Cynthia H. Richard$3,402$2,240-34.2%
Stevens J. Landry$23,866$2,233-90.6%
Christopher C. Herpin$12,168$2,232-81.7%
Rayfred J Hebert$4,136$2,184-47.2%
Christopher Langlinais Jr.$8,613$2,177-74.7%
Joseph Harold Kuehling Estate$2,977$2,162-27.4%
Ina H. Woods$3,008$2,156-28.3%
Sean P. McFarlain$10,567$2,153-79.6%
Timothy Broussard$8,063$2,150-73.3%
Abby James Broussard$3,085$2,130-31%
Joseph Perry Broussard$3,085$2,130-31%
Nicholas G. Newman$48,420$2,123-95.6%
Rocky L. Campbell$18,763$2,120-88.7%
Joseph Kent Broussard$9,251$2,118-77.1%
Cheryl Ann Hebert$286$2,111638.1%
Margie Humble$3,143$2,104-33.1%
Brady James Abshire$1,744$2,08019.3%
Boatwright Land & Cattle, LLC$8,228$2,078-74.7%
Three Bears Enterprises, Inc.$8,857$2,068-76.7%
Sandy H. Brasseaux$2,930$2,051-30%
Ludring Plaisance$2,919$2,044-30%
Triple T Construction, LLC$0$2,037--
Michael P. Kibodeaux$2,949$2,035-31%
Wilson Boudreaux Jr.$3,146$2,021-35.8%
Aubrey J. Marceaux III$6,735$2,020-70%
Margaret S. Perry$2,767$1,972-28.7%
Timothy Albert$1,995$1,961-1.7%
Koby L. Trahan$9,762$1,946-80.1%
Jeffrey P. Trahan$6,695$1,943-71%
Londa H. Touchet$2,415$1,941-19.6%
Russ Landry$5,610$1,937-65.5%
John Ronald Trahan$2,779$1,934-30.4%
Larry Duhon$0$1,925--
Brennon Jude Sagrera$0$1,903--
Boyd Girouard$2,412$1,900-21.2%
Chad Zenon$0$1,898--
Vermilion Oak Ranch, LLC$4,499$1,896-57.9%
Reggie P. Broussard$2,733$1,887-31%
Philip James Andrus$8,828$1,860-78.9%
Anne Viella Landry Simon Estate$0$1,859--
Leo P. Smith$26,298$1,848-93%
Raymond L. Clark$5,903$1,826-69.1%
T Foreman Farms, LLC$0$1,771--
Coy James Durke$8,701$1,764-79.7%
Shana A. Boudreaux$2,519$1,763-30%
Wendall James Meaux$6,473$1,758-72.8%
Aaron Lalande$2,243$1,753-21.8%
Darrin P. Johnson$9,576$1,732-81.9%
Pressley J. Broussard Jr.$0$1,729--
Carlin A. Nunez Jr.$18,594$1,727-90.7%
Sandrus J Stelly SR$18,616$1,700-90.9%
Maraist Farms I, LLC$2,209$1,686-23.7%
Charles E. Dill Jr.$2,456$1,684-31.4%
Florine M. Veazey$2,134$1,684-21.1%
Randall W. Rodrigue$9,794$1,670-82.9%
Dana L. Vollmer$2,405$1,662-30.9%
Christine L. Trahan$2,358$1,651-30%
Susan H. Horton$6,242$1,644-73.7%
Philip D. Broussard$13,787$1,642-88.1%
Beverly B. Hebert$2,372$1,636-31%
Johnny Joseph Broussard$2,325$1,628-30%
Daniel Detraz$2,245$1,625-27.6%
Holloway Bourque Jr.$2,348$1,620-31%
Paul J. Bourque$2,348$1,620-31%
Francis Lacour$1,912$1,617-15.4%
Luther J. Herpin$1,324$1,60821.5%
Six-T Farms, Inc.$3,109$1,598-48.6%
Mary S. Johnson$2,294$1,593-30.6%
Dennis J. Menard III$6,974$1,578-77.4%
Duston L. Guidry$6,297$1,567-75.1%
SBM Land Management, LLC$228$1,566586.8%
Justin Meaux$17,690$1,545-91.3%
Lorman Dupuis$3,300$1,540-53.3%
Stephen S. Rogers$2,315$1,528-34%
Wade James Theriot$13,220$1,519-88.5%
Tina Marie L. Verret$2,103$1,518-27.8%
Glenn E. Latiolais$0$1,510--
Richie Romero$5,053$1,508-70.2%
Margaret O. Freeland$2,011$1,502-25.3%
Overley Enterprises, LLC$2,011$1,502-25.3%
Brian O. Broussard$3,729$1,496-59.9%
Daniel L. Duhon$0$1,496--
Alfred Lovelace Doucet Estate$0$1,495--
Jerone F Altamirano$0$1,495--
Linda R. Primeaux$0$1,495--
Preston Broussard Jr.$4,276$1,486-65.2%
Alden Horton$6,400$1,478-76.9%
Robert G. Broussard$14,878$1,469-90.1%
Brett M. Hebert$2,125$1,467-31%
Del Dean M. David$2,125$1,466-31%
Brian Paul Choate$6,994$1,465-79.1%
Kevin S. Langlinais$9,677$1,464-84.9%
Doris S. Duhon$2,161$1,460-32.4%
Beau Harrington$4,158$1,460-64.9%
Derek Shane Hebert$2,085$1,459-30%
Raywood J. Bertrand$1,014$1,45243.2%
Long Island Land & Development Company$2,335$1,448-38%
Third Generation Properties, LLC$3,122$1,443-53.8%
Loraine Broussard Campbell$2,060$1,442-30%
Richard D. Mouton Sr.$1,090$1,43131.3%
John M. Detraz$4,512$1,427-68.4%
Blaine P. Trahan$5,126$1,414-72.4%
James M. Hebert$1,953$1,410-27.8%
Wilsy J Perry JR$83$1,4091,597.6%
Paul Ed Broussard$2,034$1,406-30.9%
Tilford P. Langlinais$3,518$1,405-60.1%
Laura Mae S. Henry$2,007$1,405-30%
Warren D. Winch$5,335$1,400-73.8%
Rickey P. Broussard$2,221$1,398-37.1%
Hardee Water$2,156$1,398-35.2%
Jean B. Duhon II$5,823$1,394-76.1%
Kenneth J. Clark$1,995$1,388-30.4%
Raoul J. Comeaux Jr.$2,157$1,384-35.8%
Kattie T. Faulk$1,985$1,380-30.5%
Alfred J. Vincent$2,477$1,374-44.5%
Beverly Vincent$1,927$1,374-28.7%
Carlos J. Broussard$1,991$1,374-31%
Joseph P. Broussard$1,961$1,369-30.2%
Sharon A. Durr$4,165$1,369-67.1%
Harold Craig Adam$6,017$1,368-77.3%
Hunter Gaspard$2,648$1,368-48.3%
George D. Sonnier$1,586$1,366-13.9%
Joseph C Langlinais SR Estate$1,959$1,359-30.6%
J & T Crawfish Farms, LLC$5,717$1,354-76.3%
Cordell Dartez$5,651$1,349-76.1%
Angela M. Abshire$632$1,337111.6%
Daniel Greene$3,399$1,326-61%
Chase Lee Romero$0$1,320--
Earline B. Lejeune$1,901$1,318-30.7%
Susan B. Couvillon$1,888$1,317-30.2%
Donald W. Lemaire$1,899$1,317-30.6%
Ronnie L. Lemaire$3,201$1,314-59%
Barbara B. Simon$1,883$1,314-30.2%
Juan Campbell$6,402$1,310-79.5%
Theodule P Noel Estate$348$1,309276.1%
Suzanne M. Touchet$6,332$1,306-79.4%
John C. Prejean$2,871$1,300-54.7%
Julia S. Trahan$1,850$1,295-30%
Marty Hebert$5,401$1,294-76%
William Harrington$6,214$1,287-79.3%
James P. Scanlan Jr.$4,559$1,284-71.8%
Roddy Charles Dubois$6,050$1,284-78.8%
Maudry G Viator$4,736$1,281-73%
Troy L. Doucet$4,326$1,280-70.4%
Joseph D. Cormier$4,587$1,277-72.2%
Corey M. Suire$6,082$1,269-79.1%
Joseph C. Patrick$1,834$1,266-31%
Ronald J. Broussard$1,812$1,265-30.2%
John Dallas Trahan$0$1,265--
Nona M. Marceaux$5,192$1,263-75.7%
Billie Rae R. Landry$0$1,262--
Earl A. Landry Jr.$0$1,262--
Hannah Louise F. Landry$0$1,262--
Jacob Jules Gabriel Landry$0$1,262--
Kimberly Ann T. Landry$0$1,262--
Vance Anthony Landry$0$1,262--
Angela D. Duhon$1,748$1,253-28.3%
Herman D. Duhon$1,787$1,251-30%
Marcia B. Clark$1,803$1,250-30.7%
Tessie L. Broussard$1,803$1,250-30.7%
Carl A. Johnson$31,892$1,243-96.1%
Marylene R Menard$1,705$1,238-27.4%
Tommy L. Chreene$7,208$1,237-82.8%
Ronald P. Vincent$11,254$1,233-89%
T. van McNeil$7,810$1,229-84.3%
Ted Saltzman$1,906$1,225-35.7%
Joey Couvillon$5,866$1,213-79.3%
Kerney Saltzman$1,594$1,213-23.9%
Calvin A. Lebouef$6,549$1,210-81.5%
Melise M Broussard$1,768$1,209-31.6%
Floyd Anthony Zaunbrecher$1,568$1,209-22.9%
Linda G. Zaunbrecher$1,568$1,209-22.9%
Seth J. Woods$6,393$1,207-81.1%
Keith Sellers$1,734$1,200-30.8%
Donald Frederick$3,062$1,194-61%
Leewood J Leblanc$4,114$1,192-71%
D & D Farms$1,662$1,189-28.5%
Mary P. Copeland$1,694$1,186-30%
Randall J. Langlinais$1,729$1,186-31.4%
Audrey B. Simon$1,691$1,184-30%
Leah Lynn Meaux$1,691$1,184-30%
Cathy Z. Nelson$0$1,182--
David L. Trahan$5,925$1,179-80.1%
Ravis Menard$1,905$1,179-38.1%
Jake S. Dever$3,707$1,178-68.2%
Delores G. Broussard$1,823$1,177-35.4%
John P. Greene$5,351$1,173-78.1%
Dustin J. Landry$1,664$1,165-30%
Linda B. Dartez$1,562$1,163-25.5%
Clyde Reese Jr.$1,657$1,159-30.1%
Clifford Blaine Stelly$5,617$1,144-79.6%
Pamela B. Broussard$0$1,142--
Mervis Saltzman$1,630$1,140-30.1%
Derek S. Lemaire$5,128$1,138-77.8%
Loretta B. Davidson$1,296$1,128-13%
Jimmy R. Vincent$5,214$1,124-78.4%
Jacob P. Faulk$1,604$1,123-30%
Ra Ru Properties, LLC$1,086$1,1223.3%
Brock G. Romero$35,876$1,121-96.9%
Rex O. Simon$1,311$1,120-14.6%
Wayne J. Lemaire$4,620$1,114-75.9%
Keith J. Leblanc$4,169$1,112-73.3%
Daniel Hardin$1,089$1,1112%
Donna R. Broussard$1,610$1,110-31.1%
Earl L. Toups$8,592$1,101-87.2%
Jack Melancon$2,468$1,098-55.5%
Linda M. Landry$0$1,097--
Mark Jude Duhon$18,499$1,089-94.1%
David Mathiew$6,583$1,086-83.5%
Paul Norris Mire$1,378$1,085-21.3%
Leonard Meaux$1,560$1,084-30.5%
Spenser R. Bertrand$1,566$1,081-31%
Patrick J. Trahan$716$1,07950.7%
Elaine T. Landry$0$1,077--
Brandon T. Arabie$2,564$1,076-58%
Floyd J. Stelly$7,732$1,076-86.1%
Keith J. Marceaux$683$1,07557.4%
Glenn Lege$999$1,0656.6%
Barry J. Toups$1,538$1,063-30.9%
Patricia F. Istre$1,522$1,051-30.9%
William F. Gardiner$1,320$1,051-20.4%
Randall D. Abshire$3,504$1,050-70%
Austin I. Sagrera$1,517$1,046-31%
Chris Hollier$9,066$1,045-88.5%
Douglas J. Hebert$1,493$1,045-30%
Jarvis Dubois$1,547$1,044-32.5%
Inter Vivos Trustee for David Charles Choate and Shelley Soirez C$1,461$1,037-29%
Glenray P Trahan$2,272$1,037-54.4%
Michael Istre$1,488$1,029-30.8%
Norbert Istre$2,678$1,029-61.6%
Dwain J. Broussard$5,093$1,022-79.9%
Lawrence C. Romaine$1,516$1,018-32.8%
Michael Wilfred Lemaire$6,293$1,010-84%
Southwest LA Agricultural Properties, LLC$3,399$1,007-70.4%
Alvin Romero$0$1,005--
Karen R. Romero$0$997--
Robert E. McDonald$1,443$997-30.9%
Scott A. Bertrand$4,873$993-79.6%
Russell C. Russo$4,402$992-77.5%
Brenda A. Callahan$2,068$992-52%
Troy J. Frith$1,424$991-30.4%
Steven Faulk$1,429$987-30.9%
Leroy Broussard$1,408$986-30%
Fred Marceaux Jr.$853$98615.6%
Donna P. Chreene$1,496$983-34.3%
Toby J. Broussard$5,625$968-82.8%
David Wayne Trahan$1,385$961-30.6%
Suzette Trahan$1,370$959-30%
Darryl Phillip Bouillion$3,073$959-68.8%
B & J Cattle Farm, LLC$1,382$955-30.9%
Christopher Langlinais Sr.$3,443$944-72.6%
Betty D. Girouard$1,338$937-30%
Jeanne H. Lemaire$1,389$935-32.7%
Suzanne R. Leblanc$1,333$933-30%
Terry J. Langlinais$4,215$932-77.9%
Ronald Menard$1,290$932-27.8%
Nathan H. Stelly$1,346$931-30.8%
John J. Cassidy III$4,898$928-81.1%
Dorethea a Brown$1,334$921-31%
Gerard J. Guidry$1,310$917-30%
Shay A. Herpin$3,325$911-72.6%
Stanley P. Suire$3,587$901-74.9%
Linda S Hair$51$8971,658.8%
Keith L. Hensgens$28,254$897-96.8%
Adam Charles Laviolette$2,106$895-57.5%
Scotty Paul Lepretre$1,287$893-30.6%
Daniel J. Sagrera$2,079$890-57.2%
Marcus J. Greene$2,328$888-61.9%
Brandon Michael Albert$121$886632.2%
Lloyd Campisi$1,263$884-30%
Paul Brent Sagrera$7,999$880-89%
Kristina C. Thibodeaux$1,010$878-13.1%
Jessica P. Vaughan$1,050$877-16.5%
Cynthia B. Futch$1,199$874-27.1%
Julianne Meaux$1,297$872-32.8%
Jeanette Potier$1,248$863-30.8%
Jeffrey P. Scanlan$3,840$858-77.7%
Nelda B. Faulk$1,223$847-30.7%
Angelle Monique Noel Laperouse$1,325$846-36.2%
Lydia L. Lege$1,261$846-32.9%
Vivian T. Lege$1,211$846-30.1%
Jeanell S Duhon$1,211$845-30.2%
Noel Properties, Inc.$190$843343.7%
Michael Joseph Simon$6,487$843-87%
Michael W. Luquette$2,765$842-69.5%
Gerald Gastal$3,080$840-72.7%
NKC Investments, LLC$1,201$840-30.1%
Scott D. Weaver$1,782$839-52.9%
Charles B. Trahan$1,199$839-30%
Sue L. Broussard$0$836--
Randy J. Menard$1,382$833-39.7%
Stoney P. Broussard$4,686$830-82.3%
Lee A. Bordelon$1,200$828-31%
Bernard Schweitzer$2,684$828-69.2%
Louis M. Noel Jr.$1,158$825-28.8%
Gloria F. Desormeaux$1,173$821-30%
Joelle Rupert$953$815-14.5%
The Donald and Shirley Meaux Irrevocable Living Trust$1,165$812-30.3%
Ashlynn R. Duhon$2,794$812-70.9%
Kay M. Wilson$987$809-18%
Jody B. Guidry$1,355$805-40.6%
Leroy Joseph Marceaux$3,696$799-78.4%
Danny P Gastal$1,598$796-50.2%
F T Smith JR, LLC$856$795-7.1%
Gerald H. Huval$1,127$789-30%
Dewey Domingues$2,388$785-67.1%
Mary Ann R. Touchet$1,164$785-32.6%
Ronald M. Meaux$1,137$774-31.9%
Milton J. Hebert Jr.$1,098$769-30%
Melissa Lougon$1,098$769-30%
Martha Lewis E. Bush$216$765254.2%
Yvonne C. Arceneaux$1,089$762-30%
Brady James Meaux$3,344$759-77.3%
Annette Louise Marceaux$5,394$755-86%
Linda L. Comeaux$1,076$753-30%
Walter J. Leggette$5,039$753-85.1%
Vicki M. Reaux$1,489$749-49.7%
Jacob S. Fluitt$3,863$748-80.6%
Samuel K. Fluitt$3,416$748-78.1%
Carl J. Petry$921$744-19.2%
Nancy B. Bogan$1,210$744-38.5%
Roger E. Boynton$1,210$744-38.5%
Veliar J Duhon$1,271$744-41.5%
Alvie Broussard Jr.$1,232$743-39.7%
Joseph D. Tessier$21,447$741-96.5%
John W. O'Bryan$1,053$737-30%
Patrick S. O'Bryan$1,053$737-30%
Barry Toups Rentals, Inc.$0$736--
Robert L. Richard$1,683$736-56.3%
Judy B. Mouton$1,065$735-31%
Phyllis B. Whitmore$279$735163.4%
Chad A. Simon$1,142$733-35.8%
Jack Trahan Jr.$1,061$732-31%
Kendall J. Schexnider$15$7324,780%
Curley Farms, LLC$2,332$726-68.9%
Auston James Trahan$3,597$726-79.8%
Robert J. Plaisance$5,379$725-86.5%
Shirley Thibodeaux$693$7244.5%
Norris Abshire$851$718-15.6%
Kendrick J. Trahan$1,021$707-30.8%
Gerard L. Couvillon$0$705--
Kevin G. Abshire$1,023$705-31.1%
Floyd J Guidry Family Irrevocable Trust$0$704--
Jacqueline B. Melancon$863$702-18.7%
Wyndal Glynn Stelly$0$700--
Theodule Noel Jr.$170$698310.6%
Francis Plaisance$997$697-30.1%
Jacques A. Laviolette$4,071$697-82.9%
Marie Andree Noel Guidry$1,085$694-36%
Brian Joseph Hebert$992$694-30%
Debora Barron Steen$2,063$689-66.6%
Robert T. Broussard$1,551$678-56.3%
Carlene M. Meaux$809$676-16.4%
CNM Family, LLC$0$673--
Betty M. Melancon$1,018$668-34.4%
Daniel Ray Durr$951$665-30.1%
Richard Durr$951$665-30.1%
Kenneth C. Primeaux$2,838$664-76.6%
David C. Mayard$948$663-30.1%
Melba A. Bertrand$0$660--
Margaret Primeaux Wolfe$0$660--
Betty L. Campisi$772$656-15%
Joseph Bradley$7,703$655-91.5%
Jerald J. Saltzman$0$655--
Gary Abshire$684$653-4.5%
Luke Mitchell Detraz$2,662$652-75.5%
Cynthia Leger$7,193$649-91%
Karey Ann Theriot$822$648-21.2%
Sherry E. Broussard$822$648-21.2%
Arnold Trahan$927$648-30.1%
Fabian Dale Broussard$4,101$647-84.2%
Mamie Lou H. Faulk$70$644820%
Earline T. Hardee$902$643-28.7%
Kendell J. Broussard$772$643-16.7%
Paul B. Schexnider$924$643-30.4%
Kelly S. Guin$3,036$641-78.9%
Tommy J. Broussard$926$639-31%
Gloria T. Schexnayder$259$639146.7%
Timond Faulk$888$638-28.2%
Todd James O'Bryan$879$637-27.5%
Bruno Istre$915$632-30.9%
Luke Istre$915$632-30.9%
Gregory Brasseaux$906$631-30.4%
Robert Stanley Buck$633$630-0.5%
Sandra Trahan Domingue$907$629-30.7%
Vicky H. Landry$896$626-30.1%
Florine R. Vincent$900$625-30.6%
Roy E. Briggs$1,353$625-53.8%
Howard M K Hair$9,610$623-93.5%
Craig Joseph Meaux$718$623-13.2%
JJL Farms, LLC$1,319$623-52.8%
Wade A. Mouton$843$622-26.2%
Donald J Greene Estate$898$620-31%
Chad Meaux$1,671$619-63%
Winston L. Dupuis Jr.$1,188$616-48.1%
Anna B. Leblanc$890$615-30.9%
Corey J Vidalier$2,739$613-77.6%
Berita M Touchet$877$612-30.2%
Charlotte M. Stelly$877$612-30.2%
Rudy J. Hebert$797$610-23.5%
Ouida L. Martin$565$6087.6%
George M. Greene III$853$605-29.1%
Richard P. Duhon$736$605-17.8%
Martin J. Broussard$2,915$602-79.3%
Chris A. Schexnider$3,111$602-80.6%
Keith Edward Meaux$778$602-22.6%
Percy J Lougon$1,620$599-63%
Allen J. Plaisance$1,507$597-60.4%
Flordry D Campbell$741$597-19.4%
Bradley J. Faulk$1,452$595-59%
Gregory Trahan$1,584$592-62.6%
Laura H. Lebeouf$0$591--
Linda Lee Mayard$843$590-30%
Jenice Paul Broussard$845$584-30.9%
Doris R. Hebert$4,044$581-85.6%
Leroy J. Romero Jr.$5,387$581-89.2%
Roxanne C. Stelly$843$581-31.1%
Elizabeth V. Dartez$374$58055.1%
Dunice Lee Meaux$762$580-23.9%
Norma Ann S. Vincent$0$579--
Lenis James Hebert$2,497$578-76.9%
Kenneth Adams$2,566$578-77.5%
Joshua A. Segrest$828$572-30.9%
Waveel B Sagrera$711$568-20.1%
Catherine C. Mayeux$820$565-31.1%
Diana Cormier$820$565-31.1%
Mavis B. Faulk$665$565-15%
James D. Delino Jr.$1,320$564-57.3%
Tina T. Vincent$635$552-13.1%
Jerry Fluitt$3,046$550-81.9%
Leo C. Dartez Jr.$795$550-30.8%
Ronald Paul Meaux$772$549-28.9%
Amber M. Primeaux$0$548--
John Franques$2,629$547-79.2%
Allen N. Lejeune Sr.$4,348$547-87.4%
Curt Stelly$3,891$543-86%
Logan Monceaux$780$541-30.6%
Gretchen Marie Primeaux$776$540-30.4%
Patricia Simon Richard$1,999$538-73.1%
Byron Clyde Vigneaux$0$536--
Collin A. Sagrera$1,320$536-59.4%
Randy J Demarcy$880$534-39.3%
Francis Keith Melebeck$1,587$532-66.5%
Archie H. Delino$0$524--
Lana G. Hebert$719$523-27.3%
Beverly T. Frederick$846$522-38.3%
Glenda S. Hebert$592$519-12.3%
Gerald J. Trahan$809$519-35.8%
Marguerite H. Broussard$0$517--
James R. Boudreaux$473$5158.9%
Donald E. Badon$3,655$513-86%
Brett Beraud$731$512-30%
Rickie John Bouillion$726$508-30%
Charles G. Sherman$720$504-30%
Robert Hebert$729$502-31.1%
Olivia Choate$726$501-31%
Althie O Meaux$732$498-32%
Janice R. Duhon$710$497-30%
Keith J. Romero$710$497-30%
Alvin P. Richard$713$496-30.4%
Daniel R. Vincent$708$496-29.9%
Daniel Ray Dartez$31$4941,493.5%
David C. Sagrera$789$494-37.4%
Linda Faulk$697$494-29.1%
Mildred B. Duncan$704$493-30%
Lucille B. Gaspard$704$493-30%
Lillie Mae L. Broussard$638$491-23%
Arvillien David Choate$580$489-15.7%
Mary Beth C. Broussard$580$489-15.7%
Garry R. Meaux$699$481-31.2%
Bobby Frederick$2,948$476-83.9%
Patti B. Gaspard$0$475--
Andre P Motty$674$472-30%
Nanette M. Mouton$674$472-30%
Steven Motty$674$472-30%
Susan Motty Perry$674$472-30%
Melanie T. Hensgens$26,711$472-98.2%
Helen G. Trahan$0$471--
Robert E. Moss$1,541$470-69.5%
Rusted R Farms, LLC$2,123$457-78.5%
Annette H. Breaux$653$457-30%
Vanya Cattle Company, LLC$1,089$456-58.1%
Theresa R. Menard$656$452-31.1%
Cynthia Duhon$759$452-40.4%
Claude J. Copeland$642$449-30.1%
Nicholas Touchet$642$449-30.1%
Russo Farms, LLC$0$447--
Maghon Thomas$2,325$446-80.8%
Tracy M. Chiasson$675$443-34.4%
Chad Langlinais$609$442-27.4%
Wade A. Langlinais$609$442-27.4%
Marion Seth Gastal$0$440--
Avert Guidry$627$439-30%
Venola R Broussard$545$438-19.6%
C Thomas Curtis Family 1995 Trust$761$438-42.4%
Katy L. Bertrand$0$434--
Timala H Melancon$125$433246.4%
Paul Warren Comeaux$673$431-36%
Danny Duhon$607$424-30.1%
Denry James Duhon$607$424-30.1%
Janelle V. Landry$603$423-29.9%
Jennifer Saltzman$124$422240.3%
Romona B. Dubois$6,707$422-93.7%
Susan B. Trahan$559$418-25.2%
Zula H. Frederick$580$418-27.9%
Cory J. Bourque$1,089$416-61.8%
Eric F Venissat$603$416-31%
Jeffery N Venissat$603$416-31%
John Russel Venissat IV$603$416-31%
Carrol D. Hebert$990$415-58.1%
Cindy M. Trahan$590$413-30%
Paul Russell Guidry$597$412-31%
Freddie Montet Jr.$1,375$411-70.1%
Manvis Trahan$467$411-12%
Marietta M. Choate$585$409-30.1%
Benette Marceaux$587$409-30.3%
Rufus J. Marceaux$4,623$409-91.2%
Gloria T. Broussard$588$407-30.8%
Dustin J. Vincent$1,650$405-75.5%
Grayson J. Benoit$2,126$401-81.1%
David H. Perry$617$400-35.2%
John Curtis Simon$1,899$400-78.9%
Clayton Broussard$573$398-30.5%
Patrick Monceaux Jr.$2,562$398-84.5%
Eddie D. Lege$0$396--
Edward C Villien$0$394--
Joseph Dupre Hebert$560$392-30%
Deanna B. Gill$562$387-31.1%
Leta D. Landry$560$387-30.9%
Donald D. Dubois$560$386-31.1%
Daryl Dubois$560$386-31.1%
Nelline C Abshire$0$385--
Darrell D. Ball$1,965$380-80.7%
Julian O. Blanchard$1,301$375-71.2%
Denis Boffy$990$374-62.2%
Greig Farms, LLC$1,645$374-77.3%
Romaine P. Marceaux$1,672$373-77.7%
Michael J. Landry$449$371-17.4%
Alden A. Hebert$1,230$370-69.9%
Melder's Light Work, LLC$2,471$370-85%
Bonnie S. Hollier$532$365-31.4%
Adeliene J Simon$521$364-30.1%
Velva J. H. Robichaux$521$364-30.1%
Jared P. Broussard$792$363-54.2%
Brenda B. Landry$518$362-30.1%
Christina B. Mayard$518$362-30.1%
Linda B. Beckett$518$362-30.1%
Patrick R. Broussard$518$362-30.1%
Rosemary B. Sagrera$4,629$362-92.2%
Olete L Ledoux$565$360-36.3%
Sherry B. Luquette$515$358-30.5%
Donato Jules Breaux$1,718$357-79.2%
Lyons Point Farms Cherisse Pippin MBR$0$357--
Freddie Duhon$2,232$356-84.1%
Nella Hebert Efferson$203$35675.4%
Juliette Pierce$436$355-18.6%
Craig N. Frederick$1,243$354-71.5%
Paul Dexter Faulk$500$354-29.2%
Connie R. Leblanc$1,774$353-80.1%
Adam Lebouef$891$353-60.4%
Shawn J. Stelly$0$350--
Gene Zenon$328$3496.4%
Troy J. Delcambre$825$349-57.7%
Jesse Allen Vollmer Jr.$536$346-35.4%
Juanita V. Crochet$503$346-31.2%
Gabriel W. Landry$498$346-30.5%
Mary Anne Hargrave$498$346-30.5%
Lawrence B. Bertrand$478$345-27.8%
Lorraine L. Broussard$492$344-30.1%
Mercedees L Guidry$492$344-30.1%
James A. Lemaire$492$344-30.1%
Thomas L. Herpin$508$344-32.3%
Gator Cove Alligator Farm, Inc.$1,672$342-79.5%
Ricky A. Hargrave$3,022$342-88.7%
Brenda G. Lormand$488$341-30.1%
Gerianne Lormand Marceaux$488$341-30.1%
Kay L. Landry$88$340286.4%
Randall James Mathews$330$3372.1%
Nathan P. Zenon$319$3355%
Nally G. Simon$423$334-21%
Carolyn B. Landry$476$330-30.7%
John Wayne Moss$0$330--
James Carroll Lemaire$470$329-30%
Falon R. Broussard$726$328-54.8%
John G. Hebert$467$327-30%
Scott L. Bass$2,199$327-85.1%
Sheryl A. Turnage$403$327-18.9%
Rhonda B. Couvillon$463$325-29.8%
Patricia M. Dore$90$322257.8%
Vivian S. Zenon$308$3224.5%
Ramsey C. Moss$90$322257.8%
Nadine V Lepretre$0$319--
Jamie W. Stelly$1,440$318-77.9%
Michael Langlinais$1,430$318-77.8%
Kearney J. Stakes$1,493$317-78.8%
Michael Brian Duhon$454$317-30.2%
David Ray Lalande$883$315-64.3%
Boyce A. Ewell$453$314-30.7%
Cynthia Duhon Leblanc$448$313-30.1%
Randall J Sztroin$410$312-23.9%
CCH Farms, LLC$513$310-39.6%
Francine M. Leblanc$0$308--
Chadd Anthony Touchet$2,801$307-89%
Jordan F. Credeur$1,647$307-81.4%
Anthony Griffin$443$306-30.9%
Rufus W. Hebert$399$306-23.3%
Bernice L. Hebert$314$305-2.9%
Pat P. Monceaux$1,364$304-77.7%
Cynthia L. Landry$282$3047.8%
James E. Steen$0$303--
Braxton E. Turnage$128$303136.7%
Drew C. Turnage$128$303136.7%
Katie Turnage N. Greene$128$303136.7%
William James McDaniel$469$303-35.4%
Shelia Ann Primeaux$429$299-30.3%
William J. Husband$1,441$298-79.3%
Isaac S Lepretre$457$298-34.8%
Jan M. Frederick$422$295-30.1%
Rebecca P Boffy$357$295-17.4%
Brenda S. Sarver$412$295-28.4%
Don R. Mouton$979$294-70%
Dorsey A. Simon$453$294-35.1%
Loretta B. Montet$419$294-29.8%
Charlene S. Toups$393$293-25.4%
Lena F. Hebert$419$293-30.1%
Robert Duhon$561$293-47.8%
Blaine J. Lege$1,819$292-83.9%
Samuel E. Hoffpauir$1,144$292-74.5%
Mary Wanda Latiolais Estate$3,176$289-90.9%
Jules D. Hebert$1,144$283-75.3%
Nannette H. Goodyear$1,144$283-75.3%
Gloria Lebouef$408$281-31.1%
Gregory John Hebert$404$280-30.7%
Vernice P. Lavergne Jr.$660$280-57.6%
Michael Wayne Trahan$414$277-33.1%
Troy A. Thibodeaux$627$276-56%
Sharon H. Cormier$487$276-43.3%
Ferdinand O Villien JR$330$275-16.7%
Denise Gastal Childrens Trustee$477$275-42.3%
Magdalen S. Duhon$398$274-31.2%
Arnold James Abshire$1,045$273-73.9%
Daveene F Stelly$393$273-30.5%
Catherine M. Laseter$0$271--
Brandi L. Reed$387$270-30.2%
Anna Belle P. Hebert$386$269-30.3%
George Richard Jr.$9,418$269-97.1%
John E. Hartman$391$269-31.2%
Jason R. Hartman$391$269-31.2%
Terry G. Dartez$4,328$266-93.9%
Leona H Deperrodil$398$266-33.2%
Cody C. Broussard$1,287$266-79.3%
Douglas C. Greene$381$264-30.7%
Justin A. Fontenot$432$264-38.9%
Nancy Marie Greene$381$264-30.7%
Danny W. Prejean$379$263-30.6%
Margaret W. Prejean$379$263-30.6%
Barbara B. Lapoint$372$260-30.1%
Callie L. Trahan$375$259-30.9%
Nellie L. Cheek$374$259-30.7%
Julian Couvillon$371$258-30.5%
Chester J. Richard$368$258-29.9%
Leighton Joseph Couvillon$370$258-30.3%
Rowena L. Hardee$368$256-30.4%
Darren G. Dubois$328$256-22%
Dena A. Stelly$339$255-24.8%
Johnny C. Choate$9,379$253-97.3%
Stanley Lafosse$1,540$253-83.6%
Didier G. Hebert$946$252-73.4%
Darryl J. Lege$335$251-25.1%
Marion J. Bertrand$406$249-38.7%
Lurcey J Broussard$299$249-16.7%
Michelle R Monteaux$406$248-38.9%
Tristan J. Hebert$357$248-30.5%
Nicholas Jude Mouton$627$246-60.8%
Bryan C. Mouton$344$241-29.9%
Robin P. Mouton$344$241-29.9%
Monty Harrington$396$240-39.4%
Raywood P. Mouton Jr.$485$240-50.5%
Larry Pommier$891$240-73.1%
Melvin P. Marceaux$342$239-30.1%
Michelle Detraz Comeaux$338$236-30.2%
Melanie S. Broussard$3,120$236-92.4%
Shawnee L. Detraz$390$234-40%
D. E. M. N., LLC$190$23423.2%
Joey Hebert Cormier$335$234-30.1%
Phyllis L. Broussard$426$233-45.3%
Roger C & Myrlene L Sellers Trust$0$232--
Stefan Lafosse$1,166$232-80.1%
Kelly M. Bradley$473$231-51.2%
Danny Ray Lapoint$327$230-29.7%
Catherine H. Fontenot$333$229-31.2%
Gloria P. Taber$329$228-30.7%
Helen P. Gaspard$329$228-30.7%
Beth Lynn B Melebeck$291$227-22%
Michael P. Broussard$291$227-22%
Janell S. Lemaire$265$227-14.3%
Evette B. Leblanc$354$225-36.4%
Clifford J. Guidry$300$224-25.3%
Donald F. Guidry$301$224-25.6%
Dwayne J. Guidry$301$224-25.6%
Calvin Touchet$324$224-30.9%
Lois V. Duhon$320$222-30.6%
James L. Elliott$359$222-38.2%
Paul G. Landry$313$216-31%
Linda M. Cormier$306$212-30.7%
Michael D. Mouton$306$212-30.7%
Toby L. Scott$306$212-30.7%
Lane J. Gremillion$4,605$211-95.4%
Sallie V. Simon$0$211--
Jacqueline G. Adams$272$210-22.8%
Joel L. Guidry$272$210-22.8%
Brian J. Guidry$271$209-22.9%
Timothy J. Guidry$271$209-22.9%
Brian K. Guidry$0$208--
Denise B. White$301$207-31.2%
William A. Appel$299$207-30.8%
Claire Tessier$263$206-21.7%
David M. Hoffpauir$0$206--
Elizabeth Simon Lemaire$0$205--
Katherine M. Simon$0$205--
O. H. Deshotels III$312$205-34.3%
Sandra Deshotels Reaux$312$205-34.3%
Joan Denise Davenport$0$204--
Althea Z. Guidry$153$20433.3%
Jenita Z Landry$153$20433.3%
Sylvia S. Hebert$288$200-30.6%
Darlene D. Viator$342$199-41.8%
Joy C. Harrington$286$198-30.8%
Nina B. Perrin$202$193-4.5%
Donna B. Broussard$202$193-4.5%
Russell W. Richard$274$192-29.9%
JLMR Farms, LLC$696$191-72.6%
Eurice G Touchet$243$188-22.6%
Donald Kelly Broussard$0$188--
Brandon J. Sagrera$506$186-63.2%
Jed Paul O'Blanc$2,141$184-91.4%
Anita L. Matte$289$183-36.7%
Deral J Hebert$261$183-29.9%
Hilda S. Broussard$0$181--
Melanie T. Moody$177$1812.3%
Gail Scott$261$181-30.7%
Patricia A. Kibodeaux$261$181-30.7%
Sheila K. Mouton$261$181-30.7%
Maudry M Picard$243$175-28%
Shirley P. Lacour$243$175-28%
Nola P. Leblanc$15$1751,066.7%
Melba L. Frederick$181$174-3.9%
Shelly B. Stelly$233$174-25.3%
David H. Dehart$0$173--
Elizabeth Jane Bertrand$0$172--
Lauren Frederick Meaux$316$172-45.6%
Wanda Sherman Simon$249$171-31.3%
Lola D. Potier$246$170-30.9%
Donald R. Anderson$226$168-25.7%
Cecile P. Lejeune$240$166-30.8%
Nancy Richard$287$165-42.5%
Mollie T. Charpentier$111$16447.7%
Karen Joy B. Richardson$239$163-31.8%
Evangeline S. Bernard$231$162-29.9%
Connie Sellers Chauvin$235$162-31.1%
Deyshia D Hargrave$244$161-34%
Nelwyn L Soirez$232$160-31%
Susan D. Hargrave$233$160-31.3%
Florence Romero$583$159-72.7%
Russel J. Leblanc$669$159-76.2%
Darlene Richard Primeaux$187$158-15.5%
Chad R Motty$222$155-30.2%
Raquel B. Broussard$221$154-30.3%
Dorris Paul Dartez$221$154-30.3%
Anastasia P. Domingue$0$153--
Edward J. Domingues$0$153--
Wiltz R. Domingues$0$153--
Durphy Broussard$664$150-77.4%
Janice G. Hanks$264$150-43.2%
Dolores Stutes Lepretre$229$150-34.5%
Huey Stutes$229$150-34.5%
Kenneth Hebert$363$149-59%
Lynn L. Mier$812$147-81.9%
Timothy H. Mier$812$147-81.9%
Debra Ann Guidry Menard$209$147-29.7%
Burton P. Guidry$0$146--
James R. Thompson Jr.$804$146-81.8%
Marion B. Mitchell$191$146-23.6%
Nadine Guidry$209$146-30.1%
Lou M. Lemaire$207$145-30%
Deborah M. Leblanc$0$144--
James Brady Mouton$0$144--
John Reed Mouton$0$144--
Michael K. Mouton$0$144--
Joey P. Choate$203$143-29.6%
Dawn Albert$125$14314.4%
Alvin J. Stelly$227$142-37.4%
Thelma M. Stelly$227$142-37.4%
Velma M. Stelly$227$142-37.4%
Laina D. Saltzman$204$142-30.4%
Mike Nunez$201$140-30.3%
Floyd Boudreaux$264$138-47.7%
Heidi M. Mouton$196$137-30.1%
Charles Ronald Hebert$194$136-29.9%
Rodolph Hebert Jr.$194$136-29.9%
Deanna D. Guarino$394$133-66.2%
Stella M Lequeux$0$133--
Anthony Istre$190$133-30%
Joseph R. Methvin$392$133-66.1%
Kimberly S. Mire$189$132-30.2%
Mandy S. Leger$189$132-30.2%
Richlands, LLC$3,658$132-96.4%
Bradley Louis Simon$188$132-29.8%
Cheryl L. Romero$116$13112.9%
Myrtis Abshire$186$131-29.6%
Ross L. Couvillon$225$130-42.2%
Valery J. Delino$447$128-71.4%
Samuel C. Delino$386$127-67.1%
Jennifer M. Hebert$180$126-30%
Mary Eleanor Greene Ledoux$151$126-16.6%
Lynette B. Simon$183$125-31.7%
Lena L. Alleman$180$124-31.1%
Patrick L. Hartwell$297$124-58.2%
Jacqueline H. Broussard$179$123-31.3%
Tracey Sonnier Rowe$0$123--
Carl E. Abshire$4,043$122-97%
Tamica Gaspard Bertrand$179$122-31.8%
Mary Lou B. Melancon$161$119-26.1%
William Wanker$37$116213.5%
Jessica D. Sherman$167$115-31.1%
Eldridge J. Foreman$186$113-39.2%
Deanna C. Broussard$184$112-39.1%
Gary Paul Gaspard$962$112-88.4%
Scotty Dale Gaspard$963$112-88.4%
Terry James Gaspard$963$112-88.4%
Malcolm Joseph Thomassee Jr.$160$111-30.6%
David B. Trahan$124$110-11.3%
Beverly Labry Schexnailder$154$108-29.9%
Darlene Labry$154$108-29.9%
Myrna L. Frederick$153$107-30.1%
Annette M. Vincent$153$106-30.7%
Bennett Harrington$154$106-31.2%
Anthony E. Broussard$1,259$106-91.6%
Connie M. Gremillion$159$104-34.6%
Kimberly D. Denais$150$104-30.7%
Timothy Paul Denais$150$104-30.7%
Donald W. Lacour Sr.$15$102580%
Sedric Breaux$370$102-72.4%
Jo Ann Prejean$144$100-30.6%
Sharron Prejean$144$100-30.6%
Kay Thomas$142$99-30.3%
Scott A. Gremillion$857$99-88.4%
Gary Paul Trahan$0$98--
Ellis J. Marceaux$138$97-29.7%
Love M. Marceaux$138$97-29.7%
Roy J. Marceaux$137$96-29.9%
Gregory Paul Zaunbrecher$0$95--
Bonnie D. Menard$0$93--
Corliss Thompson$157$91-42%
Agnes I. Vincent$133$91-31.6%
Judy D. Lalande$361$91-74.8%
Patrick J. Miguez$124$87-29.8%
Phillip P. Richard$123$87-29.3%
Cheryl S. Gaspard$124$87-29.8%
Troy A. Punch$267$86-67.8%
David W. Hargrave$96$86-10.4%
Kim D. Lebeouf$123$86-30.1%
Sharon H. Campbell$96$86-10.4%
Allen M. Bares$121$82-32.2%
Herbert Verret$106$77-27.4%
Elizabeth Bonin Looney$88$77-12.5%
Judith B. Navarre$88$77-12.5%
Rose Broussard$109$76-30.3%
Souisiana O Rovelo$101$75-25.7%
Jagdish C. Gupta$113$75-33.6%
Curtis Montet$2$753,650%
Sewilla M Bourgeois$77$75-2.6%
Denise R. Broussard$55$7332.7%
Joanie M. Touchet$95$73-23.2%
Marlin D. Touchet$95$73-23.2%
Percy A. Vollmer Jr.$105$73-30.5%
Tommy M. Stout$104$73-29.8%
Kim J. Touchet$95$73-23.2%
Lynn S. Traylor$104$73-29.8%
Donna L. Hebert$82$69-15.9%
Gerald S. Bertrand$3,445$68-98%
Michael Ray Elliott$106$66-37.7%
Charles L. Monceaux$93$65-30.1%
George Dale Richard$101$64-36.6%
Larry J. Romero$64$640%
Juliet Parrish$91$63-30.8%
Clarence Moss$23$63173.9%
Dewana Barras Lacour$15$61306.7%
Tom D. Marceaux$87$61-29.9%
Jacquelyne L. Vincent$81$61-24.7%
Kenneth L. Picard$87$60-31%
Peggy B Hohorst$102$60-41.2%
Phyllis Maturin$87$60-31%
John Boudreaux$103$59-42.7%
Vonda Kay B. Doucet$0$59--
Catherine Trahan Herpin$125$56-55.2%
Ruth Ellen Bailey Martin$0$56--
Thomas Carroll Bailey$0$56--
Alyson Trahan Bourque$125$56-55.2%
Maudry T Mire$88$56-36.4%
Walter J. Toups Jr.$15$55266.7%
Emile D. Broussard$71$54-23.9%
Yvonne T. Campbell$15$54260%
Ida Mae L. Mergist$75$53-29.3%
Rose Mary Hagood$73$51-30.1%
James N. Lebouef$38$5031.6%
Barbara Dartez Trahan$70$49-30%
Jody R. Faulk$10,414$49-99.5%
Una V. Broussard$70$48-31.4%
Evelyn L. Sellers$64$47-26.6%
Diana S. Boudreaux$605$46-92.4%
John Larry Trahan Sr.$0$45--
Harry Gregg Meaux$64$44-31.3%
Kent Mitchell Meaux$64$44-31.3%
Loretta D. Broussard$61$42-31.1%
Betty B. Comeaux$64$41-35.9%
Edwin Robert Broussard$55$40-27.3%
Robert D. David$280$40-85.7%
Lynette Broussard Breaux$63$39-38.1%
Lynn Broussard$63$39-38.1%
Richard Broussard$63$39-38.1%
Russell D. Melancon$46$38-17.4%
Arlene B. Arabie$53$37-30.2%
George Larry Stakes$480$37-92.3%
Marlene F. Broussard$53$37-30.2%
Carole H. Niebler$235$36-84.7%
Kevin J. Langlinais$52$36-30.8%
Linda S. Richard$1,873$35-98.1%
Ernest James Comesana Sr.$44$34-22.7%
Larry A. Sellers$0$34--
Thomas Joseph Comesana Sr.$44$34-22.7%
Leah L. Broussard$45$34-24.4%
Arthur Lee Elmer Jr.$48$33-31.3%
Susanne Stansel Estate$1,872$33-98.2%
Ralph Libersat$46$32-30.4%
Joshua J. Lebeouf$46$32-30.4%
Gertrude G. Trahan$104$28-73.1%
Shana H. Broussard$43$28-34.9%
Chantell Shamayne Herpin Istre$43$28-34.9%
Duell Peter Hulin$40$27-32.5%
Steve E. Hulin$40$27-32.5%
Earl J. Leblanc$3,728$26-99.3%
Kelly J. Leblanc$39$26-33.3%
Christina M. Broussard$40$26-35%
Tammy B. Richard$40$26-35%
Janel M. Clark$45$26-42.2%
Margaret B. Vincent$42$26-38.1%
Selina Montet Bennett$37$25-32.4%
Ethel Adams$36$24-33.3%
Amelia M. Guillotte$32$22-31.3%
Charles Arthur Nugier$32$22-31.3%
Claudette N. Baudoin$32$22-31.3%
Gloria T. Meaux$31$22-29%
Claude Clyde Nugier$32$22-31.3%
Katie D. Lemaire$31$21-32.3%
Laci Lynn David$30$21-30%
Lisa Marie Corner$31$21-32.3%
Marshall J. Thomas$1,919$21-98.9%
James Dale Landry Jr.$15$2033.3%
Joe Eustis Broussard$0$20--
Johnette Landry Davis$15$2033.3%
Mamie D. Turnley$6$20233.3%
Joyce B. Faulk$0$20--
Michael Faulk$28$20-28.6%
Jake Delino Trust$120$18-85%
Kevin W. Delino$0$18--
Maury J. Delino$0$18--
Rodney J. Broussard$83$17-79.5%
Joseph Whalen Bertrand$364$16-95.6%
Jacob E. Broussard$0$13--
Mark Ledet$19$13-31.6%
Blane K. Duhon$17$13-23.5%
Mary H. Detraz$25$13-48%
Bryan P. Ledet$18$12-33.3%
Carl Ledet$18$12-33.3%
Charles J. Ledet$18$12-33.3%
Richard C. Guilbeaux$132$10-92.4%
Eleanor L. Broussard$14$10-28.6%
Christine L. Griffin$170$9-94.7%
Janice L. Roberts$13$9-30.8%
Jude Roy Broussard$12$9-25%
Cordell P. Broussard$11$8-27.3%
Michael J. Simon$106$8-92.5%
Stacy E. Delino$10$8-20%
Valarie T. Broussard$0$8--
James Boyd Broussard$12$8-33.3%
Sharon M. Delino$10$8-20%
Angela T. Roy$0$8--
Anthony Steven Guidry$6$5-16.7%
Cynthia G. Sonnier$6$5-16.7%
Mae B. Baudoin$14$4-71.4%
Paul Bertrand Jr.$14$4-71.4%
Shirley B. Broussard$14$4-71.4%
Wanda T. Guidry$11$4-63.6%
Judy Picard$46$4-91.3%
Wanda P. Daly$46$4-91.3%
Brenda Suire$33$3-90.9%
John E. Adams Jr.$4$3-25%
Jude A. Adams$4$3-25%
Mildred M. L. Saunier$12$1-91.7%
Ross Leblanc$17$1-94.1%
Kari Harrington$12$1-91.7%
Karan a Plowdan$26$1-96.2%
Albert Granger Jr.$8,969$0-100%
Andrew D. Arcement$37,356$0-100%
Angel G. Hebert$1,944$0-100%
Angela L. Broussard$1,114$0-100%
Ashton Bourque$7,579$0-100%
Bonnie L. Hoffpauir$309$0-100%
Campisi Family 2015 Trust$196$0-100%
Charles A. Sellers$34$0-100%
Chuck R. Cabrol$27$0-100%
Craig J. Hargrave$880$0-100%
Darrel P. Menard$497$0-100%
Delores Leboeuf Stelly$16,415$0-100%
Dilan J. Comeaux$275$0-100%
Eddie J. Fontenot Jr.$2,969$0-100%
Eldridge Touchet$3,504$0-100%
Emily B. Delino$774$0-100%
Eric B. Broussard$90$0-100%
Eric Trahan$14,825$0-100%
Farrel James Harrington Sr.$10,806$0-100%
Frances M. Dickson$542$0-100%
Frances T. Pere$18$0-100%
George Argue Putnam Estate$176$0-100%
Glenn Edward Marceaux$147$0-100%
Gwendolyn T. Vincent$24$0-100%
Innovative Food Products$14,997$0-100%
J. F. Noel Jr.$5,660$0-100%
Jacob Huron$9,294$0-100%
Janet S. Sonnier$98$0-100%
Jean Duhon$40$0-100%
Joe del Duhon III$47,737$0-100%
John A. Trahan$2,200$0-100%
John Dale Duhon$121$0-100%
Joseph Howard Dore'$8$0-100%
Joseph W. Sellers Jr.$51$0-100%
Joy Dugas Lebouef$259$0-100%
Keith C. Sagrera$7,985$0-100%
Keith J. Kibodeaux$261$0-100%
Kenneth Poche$9,262$0-100%
Kevin J. Leblanc$660$0-100%
Kovan Lee Gaspard$12,399$0-100%
Kyle Hargrave$5,430$0-100%
Laura M. Leblanc$145$0-100%
Lloyd Felix Dore' III$8$0-100%
Luke Detraz III$1,996$0-100%
Marcus P. Abshire$1,024$0-100%
Mark E. Broussard$4,316$0-100%
Nathan T. Vanya$1,155$0-100%
Ollie Trahan Trust$745$0-100%
Peggy S. Puckett$34$0-100%
Preston Summers Jr.$6,708$0-100%
Quentin H. Trahan$5,840$0-100%
Randy P. Gaspard$5,383$0-100%
Reginald Lane Hargrave II$7,036$0-100%
Renford D. Abshire$3,519$0-100%
Richard B. Sellers$25$0-100%
Richard J. Marceaux$147$0-100%
Rodney J. Baudoin Sr.$126$0-100%
Ronnie Montet$2,502$0-100%
Ruth E Lewis Estate$10,633$0-100%
Sindol J Gaspard$6,667$0-100%
Stokes Farms, LLC$7,192$0-100%
Theodore Magnon$17,373$0-100%
Tracy N. Hebert$9,530$0-100%
Vanessa T. Abshire$24$0-100%
Veronica G. Stelly$5,116$0-100%
2N Land & Cattle, Inc.$1,848$0-100%
Blair Hebert$3,932$0-100%
Fabian J. Hulin$40$0-100%
Jeremy Daigle$5,452$0-100%
Johanna B. Richard$78$0-100%
Judy P. Renard$481$0-100%
Kenneth James Broussard Jr.$10,395$0-100%
Moss Family IRRV Trustee$517$0-100%
Sandra Baudoin$80$0-100%
Sharon A. Hebert$2,423$0-100%
Stokes Hunting & Farming, LLC$26,124$0-100%
Tyler J Rageur$21$0-100%
Andrew Woods$600$0-100%
Billy Fontenot$6,644$0-100%
Blaine Hebert$2,354$0-100%
Blaine J Broussard BTK Crawfish$11,026$0-100%
Cathy D. Schweitzer$627$0-100%
Donald W. Lemaire Jr.$4,851$0-100%
Donald W. Meaux$1,676$0-100%
Hillary Kay Baker$128$0-100%
Jessica Leigh Petry$211$0-100%
John Michael Istre$1,415$0-100%
Kade Philip Petry$211$0-100%
Mamie W Hair Heirs$10,708$0-100%
Phyllis A. Ewell$453$0-100%
Roderick Laseter$3,723$0-100%
Roger D. Cormier$487$0-100%
Sally H. Guidry$1,366$0-100%
Sharon Abshire Benoit$3$0-100%
Virgie B. Stelly$2,775$0-100%
Alton Romero Jr.$5,877$0-100%
B & B Crawfish Farms$13,822$0-100%
Blaise J. Istre$9,396$0-100%
Brady L. Landry$6,034$0-100%
Brent D. Frith$14,949$0-100%
Brett Lebeouf$15,535$0-100%
Carol L. Thibodeaux$159$0-100%
Chris P. Abshire$3$0-100%
Chuck Briolo$10,115$0-100%
Curtis T. Simon II$50,840$0-100%
Danny L. Gaspard$2,413$0-100%
Darrell J. Lebeouf$605$0-100%
Diana Henry Broussard$67$0-100%
Donald B. Stelly$674$0-100%
Douglas J. Lebeouf Jr.$880$0-100%
Earl Turnage E. Est Jr.$118$0-100%
Eric Breaux$1,761$0-100%
Gage Douglas Stelly$6,149$0-100%
Garner Lee$4,252$0-100%
Harold J. Marceaux$1,947$0-100%
Ivy Stelly$557$0-100%
Jason P. Broussard$35$0-100%
Jean M. Roussell$1,047$0-100%
Jeffrey Wayne Trahan Jr.$3,027$0-100%
John B. Stanford$1,864$0-100%
Jonathan D. Romero$8,218$0-100%
Kenneth Stelly$2,191$0-100%
Kimberly Abshire Romine$3$0-100%
Lucien Adam Roy$337$0-100%
Margaret S. Romero$5,468$0-100%
Minos Cashat$1,444$0-100%
Myra Collins Hebert$128$0-100%
Percy Lormand III$597$0-100%
RC Ranch, LLC$826$0-100%
Reginald L. Hargrave$6,802$0-100%
Rixby Marceaux JR$1,947$0-100%
Sara Leblanc$1,706$0-100%
The Mire Children's Trust$572$0-100%
Timothy Joseph Hebert$4,044$0-100%
Viella L Simon$2,769$0-100%
Yvonne Simon$7,485$0-100%
Brady Duhon$9,904$0-100%
Cheryl Walton Allen$869$0-100%
Danny Ayo$1,682$0-100%
Iris K. Baumgardner$2,419$0-100%
Jonathon Thibodeaux$9,146$0-100%
Melvin J. Marceaux$1,011$0-100%
Patrick Broussard$4,910$0-100%
Paul Duhon$40$0-100%
Stephanie C. Broussard$139$0-100%
Travis James Bodin$1,758$0-100%
Total subsidies$21,800,323$11,658,260-46.5%


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